At Rudduck, we manufacture, source, develop and distribute a range of specialty pest control products.
We offer two unique and highly effective rodent control products.
The first, and particularly relevant at this time, is Alpha Rapid mouse bait. Alpha Rapid is very specific to mice, having relatively low toxicity to other, larger mammals. It works as an anaesthetic, causing drowsiness to the mouse, resulting in loss of consciousness within 15 minutes with death following quickly through hypothermia. It is a unique mode of action, with no secondary toxicity and no build up in the environment.
Several PCOs have tested and used the product to control some of the massive mouse populations currently invading Central Western NSW. Feedback has been absolutely outstanding. Nathan Dennis from Dentec Pest Management in Dubbo says: “I am picking up about 200 dead mice per day around my home”; “My best night with Alpha Rapid I picked up 805 mice in the morning – from just 25 rat bait stations”; “I’d estimate that each small block kills between 40 and 50 mice”; “I find that I must place stations in easily accessible locations because mice die within 4m”.
The second product is the Rodenticide Paste which is very highly palatable rodent bait formulation containing attractive, high energy fats. The active ingredient is the single feed bromadiolone which is used and accepted widely in many rodenticides, the difference being the uniquely attractant properties as well as the application. Rudduck Rodenticide Paste is supplied in a 300g cartridge to fit a standard caulking gun, so bait application is quick, clean and easy – and it requires no direct contact with the product.
Learn more about Alpha Rapid……
Learn more about Rudduck Paste……
Blog Author: Andy Knox